MEME is an international MSc programme that is designed for providing students an optimal training for a subsequent PhD project and eventually a career in academic research. On purpose, all study elements strive to approach the borders of our knowledge and capabilities in the field of evolutionary biology. In comparison to other programmes, the emphasis is less on teaching textbook knowledge and more on discussing the gaps in this knowledge and potential ways toward filling these gaps. This approach is very stimulating, but it can also be highly challenging. Moreover, the MEME programme places much emphasis on activating students to detect gaps in our current knowledge themselves and to come up with possible solutions. For this reason, MEME classes are less based on the “consumption” of lectures, but often consist of discussions and problem-oriented working in small groups. For all these reasons, the MEME programme has to be highly selective and can only accept students whose motivation, intellectual abilities and communication skills fit well to the overall goals of the programme.
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