The University of Montpellier (UM) in southern France is one of the three universities that were formed with the split of the original University of Montpellier in 1970. UM is a modern scientific and technological university that is uniquely based in the city of Montpellier, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. With 10 research departments and 15,000 students, it offers a diverse range of education and research and enjoys an international reputation as a world leader in biological research (Wikipedia).
The Master “Sciences for Environment” of UM, under which MEME is partially based, includes all master-level education in non-molecular biology in Montpellier. Important research in ecology and evolution at UM includes a variety of topics, among which lagoon ecosystems, evolution and diversity of cultivated plants, host-parasite interactions, tropical and Mediterranean symbioses and exploited marine ecosystems.
The Local MEME coordinators at the University of Montpellier are: